неділю, 16 серпня 2020 р.

CS193p iPhone Application Development Spring 2020

Lecture videos from the Stanford University course CS193p, Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI. These lectures were delivered on-line (due to the novel coronavirus outbreak) to Stanford students during Spring quarter (April) of 2020 and are now being made available for all to watch.

Supporting materials (homework write-ups, demo code, etc.) that were distributed to students at the time the course was given have been archived at https://cs193p.stanford.edu.

Lecture 1: Course Logistics and Introduction to SwiftUI

Lecture 2: MVVM and the Swift Type System

Lecture 3: Reactive UI + Protocols + Layout

Lecture 4: Grid + enum + Optionals

Lecture 5: ViewBuilder + Shape + ViewModifier

Lecture 6: Animation

Lecture 7: Multithreading EmojiArt

Lecture 8: Gestures JSON

Lecture 9: Data Flow

Lecture 10: Navigation + TextField

Lecture 11: Picker

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